Teaching on Video
Inclusive Grace
In Galatians 3:26-29, Paul named specific ways that being “clothed with Christ” changed the way Jesus-followers viewed cultural separation. First century house churches practiced radical inclusion. “Putting on Christ” motivates us to build relationships with those who differ from us, especially fellow believers.
Becoming a Non-Anxious Presence
Rabbi Edwin Freedom described all too well the Vicious Cycle of Anxiety—it’s all around us (and sometimes within us). With help from the teacher of Pastor John Mark Comer, Pastor Michael Carey offers a beautiful alternative—The Way of Jesus—which equips his disciples to disrupt the cycle of anxiety and conflict.
Water-Walking Peace
In Matthew 14, Peter declared his readiness to join Jesus in water-walking, and Jesus invited him to get out of the boat. There also comes a point when we’re ready for a faith adventure that will require us to climb out of our secure place. Keeping our eyes on Jesus will sustain our peace of mind even as we take courageous steps.
In the Same (Sinking) Boat
Acts 27 tells the dramatic saga of the apostles shipwreck survival, not only to assure disciples of God’s provision while on His mission. Luke wants to remind believers that enduring life’s storms “in the same boat” with unbelievers gives us the opportunity to bear witness to Him who gives us calmness and confidence in storms.
Spirit-Powered Persuation
On the Jewish Festival of Pentecost that followed Jesus’ Resurrection, the the Father anointed the Son’s disciples with the Holy Spirit. Since then Jesus-followers engage in Spirit-powered persuasion (Note: the beginning of the message is missing and the audio-visual tech forgot to follow the pastor with the camera ; nonetheless the audio comes thru fine).
Wise Waiting
In Acts 1:12-16, we get a glimpse of how the first disciples waited prayerful to be baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit. We no longer wait for the Spirit, we wait on the Spirit’s leading. As with new technologies, our lives are far more mpacrful when we learn how to utilize the Spirit’s leadings and develop habits that enable us to hear these leadings.
Jesus names “What’s Going On”
Centuries before Marvin Gaye’s classic tune explained “What’s Going On?”, Jesus’ Parable of the Wicked Tenants foretold his crucifixion. The story also reminds us of God’s disappointment when spiritual leaders and institutions fail to yield justice and righteousness.
Jesus OK with Pagan Rule?
In the last days of his earthly life, the religious establishment tried to trick Jesus into opposing the Roman Empire or being co-opted by it. His brilliant non-answer to their question guides us as to how we relate to government, even though our situation is radically different.
Dogged Faith!
Mark 7:24-30 tells us that Jesus initially resisted a pagan woman who begged him to free her daughter from evil. Comparing her to a dog was rude and exclusive, unless Jesus had a larger, loving purpose. This story helps us to see how Jesus provokes healing, liberating faith in us.
Heart of the Matter
Our re-discovery of how Jesus inaugurated God's Kingdom on earth brings us to Mark 7. As we overhear Jesus confronting empty religious traditions, we'll have the opportunity to gain deeper awareness of the transforming power that catalyzes genuine life-change.
His mercies are new every morning!
Stewards of Abundance
So far 2021 seems like 2020 on steroids! COVID kills more people every day. Divisions within our country have reached a crisis. What can we do?
We will follow Jesus! We will BE the church! Our worship provides the opportunity to declare allegiance to God's Kingdom and grow deeper as disciples by resuming our study of Mark's Gospel.