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why “Church in the Wild”?

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Jesus’ disciples should be like dandelions—springing up in places you don’t expect! We cultivate spirituality in everyday, ordinary life. Instead of “going to church, we look for ways to “be the church” as we bless the world. Most churches are institutional, like gardens planted in orderly rows. They strive to create an attractive, comfortable environment.

Too often the desire to be attractive creates a "consumer church," constantly focused on meeting the needs of Christians. Much time and money are spent to make music and ministry programs appealing. Meanwhile many people aren’t attracted to any church—they were hurt by a church or turned off to “self-centered Christianity.”

We cultivate three-dimensional spirituality. Our worship services provide an UPward focus on God and our small groups help us INvest in relationships. Yet Church in the Wild puts an equal emphasis on OUTward spirituality. We encourage each other to let God use us to bless people in the places where we live, work, and play. As wind scatters dandelion seeds, the Spirit spreads seeds of hope.

why wild

what's the difference?

Church in the Wild's schedule and format varies to help us grow upwardly, inwardly, and outwardly as Jesus-followers.


Most Sundays we meet as   WildLife House Church. 

At 10am, we catch up.  We worship with singing, then the adults discuss a scripture passage while the children enjoy "Back Porch Bible."

We always end with lunch.


On the 3rd Sunday of the month, we gather with other house churches in rented space, usually at the DOCK Teen Center, 1149 Masterson Street in Melbourne.


At 9am we share breakfast. 

Afterwards we move the furniture for worship.

Our house churches take turns providing the food, music, teaching, and the children's lesson.


Every few months, our WildLife House Church 

meet at a park or the beach. Sometimes we invite our neighbors to join us in a backyard BBQ campfire.


While we look for ways to serve people's practical needs, our highest priority is connecting with neighbors and inviting them into our spiritual family. 


Church in the Wild is an exciting new way to do church (though not really new--Jesus’ first disciples did church in the wild).


The calendar of our worship services, WildLife gatherings, or service projects are listed under Events. Use the Contact page to request more information or our weekly email updates.

whats the differnce
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